Roanne Jacobsen started Saben in 2002 and is now in its 17th year. Saben bags are designed in NZ and produced ethically by two small factories in Guangzhou China

Roanne has a deep understanding about the value of a handbag’s function, ultimately holding the chaos and order of a woman’s life in one centralised and stylish place

The bags are completely made by hand and  and both factories have a reputation for quality and craftmanship, as they also produce for several reputable European brands.

The factories are visited and inspected regularly by Katie from Saben, who has worked with the factories for several years. Roanne also visits regularly to build relationships, often sharing a “tea ceremony”

Saben uses 100% leather, sourced from all over the world and processed in a leather tannery which has certification   by the China Quality & Certification Centre (CQC) which demonstrates that the product conforms to China’s standards regarding quality, safety, environmental and energy efficiencies.

Saben’s tannery also has a gold star rating, the highest rating given by the Independent Leather Working group based on social and environmental impact.

Shine On is excited to have Saben as an integral part of it’s leather and accessories offering and looks forward to continuing our relationship with this exciting NZ brand  for many years to come